Nursing is a rewarding career in the medical field. There is the prestige, the honor, the job stability and the knowledge that nursing is a thankful and fulfilling career. Because it continues to be a rapidly growing and trending industry, many new nursing students (both female and male) are flocking to nursing schools due to the high-demand career. And let us not forget the escalating potential for a reliable job, competitive pay, comfortable scrub medical uniforms and the opportunity to advance. If you have ever considered a lucrative nursing career, there are a few key characteristics and determining qualities you may wish to hone in order to increase your personal chances for success. Here are the top ten characteristic traits of successful nurses:
This is a typical lament of the newly-graduated nurse, looking for his or her very first job out of school, at least in some parts of the country, and in some situations. I believe that some encouragement is needed, as well as some "sage advice. "
2. Attention to detail. Registered nurses are required to administer medicine and perform tasks that mandate little to no room for error. Noticing the little things and exact detail is very important in this profession.
3. Problem solving ability. Career nurses can quickly analyze a situation, consider multiple factors, think quickly for a resolution and anticipate future problems before they occur. New Nursing Schools.
You may not believe it right now, but most of the skills of nursing are learned after you get out of school! In school, you are learning the "science" of nursing, the "theory" of nursing. Upon graduation, you will learn how to apply that science and theory in the real world of nursing. Your clinical rotations were not the real world. Nursing requires judgment skills; judgment skills are the result of experience backed by the theory and science you learned in school. It just takes time. OK, so. . . what can you do? First, recognize that you DO have options:1. Realize that your first job is just that. . . it's your first job. Few new grads, whether they're nurses, lawyers, engineers, or architects, land their dream job right out of school. When you say that there are "no jobs anywhere" in your area, is it really NO jobs? Or have you limited yourself in any way by not considering jobs in, shall we call them, "less than desirable" specialties? I really disliked my first year of nursing! But you know what? It was only my first year. Once it was over, I was the "experienced RN" that hospitals were crying out for. I named all my future positions, where and when I wanted them. But that first year, in what amounted to a "glorified nursing home" was not what I had EVER imagined for myself. So. . . have you really looked everywhere?2. I have read more than one nursing student posting comments online about how upset they were that there were "NO JOBS" out there, only to then read that she is a senior in nursing school or a brand new graduate nurse who wants to go on to become a nurse anesthetist, and to get into that program she has to have at least a year of ER or ICU experience. . . and "no one will hire me. " To such students and grads, may I tell you in the kindest way that if any hospital does hire you into their ER or ICU as a new grad, they are setting themselves. . . and very possibly you. . up for a possible lawsuit because of the dire consequences your lack of experience and immature professional judgements may cause someone?I worked 10 years of my career in critical care. . . ALL areas of critical care. . . and new grads simply do not have the knowledge, skill, or judgment abilities to work in these areas. Period. Want to become a Nurse Anesthetist? Then graduate nursing school, take whatever job you need to to get working as a nurse, so you can actually begin to function as a "real" nurse (not just a student nurse!) at the bedside, fulltime. Learn. Learn all you can in that first job. Be the best new nurse you can be. Get the best peer reviews. Get the best reviews from your Unit Manager. Be the nurse the patients and their families write letters to the hospital directors about (good letters, of course)! Then, at the end of that year, go apply for a job in the ER. Go get a spot in the ICU. Believe me, when you're in there, you'll be starting all over again with the learning curve! But when you're in, you're in. . . now, remember what you did that first year in that first position? Do it again. At the end of that year, go apply for that slot in the Nurse Anesthetist program. Smile. . . you'll have earned it, because you worked for it. Well worth it!Again, few new graduates, whatever their profession, land their "dream job" fresh out of college. Most new grads expect to start, oh, somewhere near the bottom, and work their way up, gaining experience, wisdom, and leadership skills along the way that will be used in their futures. In nursing, we are fortunate. . . the bottom isn't that far from the top. It doesn't typically take more than a year of doing what you'd rather not be doing in order to shoot straight to where you do want to be. So just get started. 2. Let's say you really have looked at every hospital, every nursing home, every assisted living center in your area, and there are NO jobs. You have a decision to make. I tell my own kids this all the time: you can either choose where you want to live, and then work at whatever you like best that is available there, or you can choose what you'd love to do, and then go wherever you have to in order to do it. It's just that simple. With a career in nursing, If you wait long enough and are willing to do what it takes at first (probably not too long, but be ready for a year or so), you'll probably be able to have BOTH. Jobs ARE out there. Go where they are, get your feet wet and become the experienced, independent RN everyone's looking for! Do what it takes! It's WORTH IT!
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